Android Whatsapp Gallery Folder. Once it's connected and detected by the program, your android data will show in the screen. Intent.setaction (intent.action_get_content);// startactivityforresult (intent.createchooser (intent, select picture),select_image);
If you see a.nomedia file, delete it. Delete that and wait for sometime, possibly restart the phone once. Look out for ‘whatsapp directory’ and tap on ‘media’ folder.
Look Out For ‘Whatsapp Directory’ And Tap On ‘Media’ Folder.
If you have internal memory, you'll find the whatsapp media folder in the phone's internal storage. Have a.nomedia file in the whatsapp media folder. In this video i show you how to fix whatsapp folde.
Delete That And Wait For Sometime, Possibly Restart The Phone Once.
You would now find the images and videos in your gallery. The representation depends on the gallery app you use. When you open the profile picture of any person in the whatsapp;
Doing So Will Make The Whatsapp Pictures Visible In The Gallery.
Here, select the whatsapp images. This option is enabled by default on every device, but you can still check once if images don’t. Karena dimulai dari huruf “w” maka urutannya ada di deretan terbawah.
You Should Also Take A Look Inside The Private Folder.
Pergi ke internal storage (penyimpanan internal). Once done, open the whatsapp folder and click on media. You can see under com.whatsapp as per the rules the files under.
Internal Storage > Whatsapp > Media > Whatsapp Image Folder.
Now, tap one of the photos in this particular album. The steps to hide whatsapp videos in gallery are practically the same as hiding whatsapp photos in the gallery of your android phone. Android devices automatically save whatsapp media locally.